Opportunities in Obsolescence

On June 2022, I was fortunate enough to showcase my “Opportunities of Obsolescence” exhibit at the Centre d’art Santa Monica in Barcelona Spain. 


With many issues surrounding our high-tech products including planned obsolescence, a linear “cradle-to-grave” life cycle, the accumulation of electronic waste (e-waste), and the consumer culture, there is potential of finding creative solutions to reusing/repurposing our obsolete technology. These solutions not only benefit the consumer, but also the communities that are affected by the growing e-waste problem. This paper first sheds light on these issues, provides examples of related works, and then wraps up with a case study where an artist converts a typewriter into a USB Printer using the design principles laid out in this paper, including the use of open source hardware and software as well as incorporating adaptive design for future updates. While it is unfortunate that our massive accumulation of e-waste has turned this material into an unnatural, natural resource that can be foraged, there is potential for projects (both practical and creative).


OSHWA Summit 2024- Opportunities In Obsolescence