
Erik Contreras is an interdisciplinary mechanical engineer from the San Francisco Bay Area with a background in rapid prototyping, hardware hacking, and sustainable product design.

He finds himself comfortable in dynamic environments, where interdisciplinary collaboration, and rapid prototyping is needed to bring the optimal outcome for the product. He believes bringing physicality to an idea opens up opportunities for collaboration and critical feedback.

He designs products with a T.I.M.E. approach:






Mechanical Engineering

CAD Modeling

FEA Analysis

Design for Manufacturing

Mechatronics / Robotics


Creative Technology

Physical Computing

Metal Fabrication


CNC Machining


Industrial Design


Concept Sketching

CFM Design


M.S. Mechanical Engineering

University of California, Davis 2024

  • MAE 252 - Autonomous Robotics (A)

  • MAE 256 - Sustainable Manufacturing and Design (A)

  • MAE 298 - Modern Manufacturing Technologies (A+)


M.F.A. Design

University of California, Davis 2020


B.S. Mechanical Engineering

University of California, Davis 2015

My logo was inspired by a millennium bug warning sticker made for Y2K. This microchip-bug motif is reference to my dedication for prolonging the lifespan of consumer tech, like an electronic cockroach.